Exhibitions, Publications & Media

I have contributed to magazines, radio and live events and exhibited my mudlarking finds widely, including at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Cutlers’ Hall and OXO Tower Bargehouse.

My work has been featured in ‘Down By The River’ (BBC Radio), I’ve delivered lectures for organisations such as the National Maritime Museum, and my finds and research have been featured in publications such as Beach Combing Magazine and The Searcher Mag.

My series ‘Mudlarking with Old Father Thames’ appears on both YouTube and Patreon. New programmes are released every other week. I also produce spin-off episodes and currently have a new series in production with a digital network.

Useful Links and Further Reading

Hands On History, St. Paul’s Cathedral & Cutlers’ Hall

Foragers of the Foreshore, OXO Bargehouse

Interesting Articles about Mudlarking

Tokens of unrequited love? Thames yields ‘crooked coins’ tossed in by romantics: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2018/feb/09/tokens-unrequited-love-thames-mudlark

London’s mudlarks retrieve history from the Thames: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-thames-treasure/londons-mudlarks-retrieve-history-from-the-thames-idUSTRE72127E20110302

Steve Brooker: The mudlark unearthing the Thames’ history: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/steve-brooker-the-mudlark-unearthing-the-thames-history-6267918.html

Mudlarking YouTube Channels

Old Father Thames

Si Finds

Nicola White

Mudlarking and Metal Detecting Websites

Thames and Field MDS: http://www.thamesandfield.com/

Thames Museum: http://www.thamesmuseum.org/